Advanced Steam Coil Drainage Systems

A high efficiency steam coil drainage system provides reliable drainage across the steam coils in pocket ventilation units, building air supply units, roof supply units, and at all operating conditions with maximum heat transfer and efficient removal of condensate to an existing condensate return source. The drainage system design for each unit is produced by Deublin Company exclusive Process Simulation which simulates operation of the system at all conditions of operation. Process simulation guarantees that all equipment, valves, and lines are sized properly, and that operation of the system is optimized.

Deublin’s proprietary design for high efficiency steam coil drainage maximizes heat transfer efficiency by providing an additional pressure drop across the coils besides that of gravity. The inherent problem with the traditional design methods is that they rely solely on gravity for drainage of the coils (differential pressure is available across the steam trap, not the coils). Condensing rates within the tubes are very inconsistent from one tube to another due to irregular airflow/ across the tubes within the coil bank. Gravity tends to help the heavy condensing tubes while the resultant “pressure head” produced efficiency. The Deublin design overcomes this problem using a fixed nozzle thermocompressor to maintain a moderate pressure drop across the coils with the recirculation of blow-through. Heat transfer is thus maximized, and proper drainage is assured for all the tubes within the bank of coils.