Services / Paper Energy Optimization (PEO)

Deublin is committed to improving customer productivity and eliminating energy waste. Customers approach us with process questions, problems, and process inefficiencies; we provide a clear path to improved machine efficiency, energy savings, increased productivity, product consistency and quality. We understand that there is no “single” solution. Our philosophy is to work closely with our customer to identify key gaps in energy usage, process equipment and control. We will propose solid solutions outlining the greatest return on investment for our customer. We bring the expertise and experience to solve problems such as dryer flooding, frequent steam joint and siphon failures or repairs, steam venting to atmosphere or to condenser, higher steam usage (more than 1.2lb steam/lb. H2O evaporated, for example) control valves or thermocompressor operating wide open or almost closed (“out of control”), picking on wet end dryers, and many other scenarios for improvement.

With Paper Energy Optimization we will provide a holistic review of the steam supply, dryer drainage, and condensate management systems. We will design a solution to optimize processes, process control, equipment type and size, minimize steam usage, maximize dryer drainage, and optimize condensate energy capture.